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My New Year’s Resolution is… Oh Never Mind… Forward Friday Thoughts.. 2020 Is Here…

Writer's picture: MillsmanMillsman

So we’re a few days into 2020 and many people have clicked in with their New Year’s resolutions… Most die out in a few days, a few weeks, a few months, some even make it right through the year.

I had some that flamed out early, in the middle and actually had a few that made it through a whole year over the years.

Something caught my eye during the holidays that got me thinking: essentially, the premise was: We are always asking what the New Year will bring us when in actuality, we should be asking, “What Will We Bring Into The New Year With Us?”

“What Will We Bring Into The New Year With Us?”

As I thought about it, I decided that there were a few things that I must do to grow me and instead of outward or inward fanfare, it is more about becoming and doing one step at a time.

That thought got me thinking about what will I look like from the beginning of this new decade?

What are some characteristics that I already have been working on to become a better version of me continue growing and are there other areas that I can nurture so I can positively effect change wherever I am?

Here are a few things that I’m planning to work on this year.

Making Others Feel Important

If everything I do is self-centered with just me in mind, then I’ve lost more than half the picture of my life.

We are interconnected in so many ways so to think solely of ourselves or wanting to feel important at the expense of others over time doesn’t get us very far.

I think some of the greatest moments I’ve experienced is when someone on a team I’ve been on, be it in the sports world, business/education/church world has had a win, an achievement.

When we can emphasize and encourage another’s strengths and contributions, we all win in the end!!

Let The Golden Rule Be Our Guide

Too many people from time to time treat others in ways that they wouldn’t like to be treated.

Sometimes, it’s ignorance, sometimes deliberate but nonetheless, it is amazing how, when we treat others respectfully, kindly, with grace, encouragement, people tend to be attracted to us and reciprocate in the same fashion.

Anyone can be a bully, mean spirited, thinking only for themselves but it moves the heart, mind and spirit when we intentionally treat others well.

It does go a long way.

Admit When We Have Blown It

We’ll never be mistake free but does it ever bother us when people can never admit they make a mistake?

There have been acquaintances in the past who, because they could never admit that they’ve blown it would want to make us feel like something is wrong with us?

I remember taking a leadership team away for a weekend conference and 2 of my leaders were late.

Now these 2 couldn’t tell the time even if Rolex gave them free top end watches with precision reminder beeps so when they arrived almost an hour late for departure, it wasn’t a big surprise.

Still, I was upset that they let the rest down and I was a little warm in my response to them. Actually, way too warm.

By the time we got to our destination, I had realized my error/mistake etc. and I went to clear my mistake up.

The response was not what I had expected. They said that from their family on down, rare was it that someone would apologize for their actions/mistakes.

They became some of the best leaders I worked with during that time and they often would say that the turning point for them was the parking lot outside the hotel where I admitted my errors in judgement.

Maybe because there is a humbling aspect to the admitting of guilt/mistakes that makes it hard for some to do but it’s a new decade so why not change it up and do something new/different/proper?

Encourage And Praise Others

Not inflated, conjured up praise but a sincere position of the heart that be it our family, friends, work colleagues etc, that no matter who else does or doesn’t, we will be the type of person who encourages, praise others.

It is amazing how one word of encouragement or a word of praise can lift someone….

I have a friend who tells the story of when he came home from the Vietnam War and how he had been burned over 70% of his body.

It is amazing how one word of encouragement or a word of praise can lift someone….

He says that there were other servicemen in the same condition he was in and when they had been flown back to their base, in the infirmary, a number of his fellow servicemen died soon after.

Why? Some died more of a broken heart than peeling skin because a wife, girlfriend turned their backs when they saw the carnage reeked on their bodies from being in that war: my friend was worried what his wife would do when she saw him; skin peeled, little to no hair, bandaged over pretty much every part of his body.

Would he die on that hospital bed like some of his brothers?
His wife took one look at him and said, “Glad you’re home, we’ll have to do something about your hair later but you’re home and I love you!”

Even with months of rehab to come, that day, even with a mangled body on a stretcher, my friend began to live again…

All because of the encouragement and praise of his wife…..

So 2020 doesn’t need as many resolutions as it just needs solid, concrete actions because as we are connected in many ways, our obedience to act upon doing what is right and good can be just what someone would need to make their day, month, year.

Why not now?

To less fanfare and just being and doing….




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