We’re a few days into 2020 and many people have clicked in with their New Year’s resolutions… Most die out in a few days, a few weeks, a few months, some even make it right through the year.
I had some that flamed out early, in the middle and actually had a few that made it through a whole year over the years.
“What Will We Bring Into The New Year With Us?”
Here are a few thoughts to get our week off to a great start!!!

Many will probably do exactly what they did last year. Whatever we do, don't let that person be us!!
The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. What will the pages read when all is said and done on December 31st?
Instead of trying to change our entire life in January, maybe another idea is to consider doing some simple
Let's try to make a point to not obsess about the past or worry about the future.
We will work at growing and fostering our present relationships and recognize that there are new connections to make and grow that can enhance our life.
We choose to be thankful for all the blessings in our life.

Practicing hospitality will be a core value for us in a world where too often strangers are feared, enemies are hated, and the "other" is shunned. Being gracious is us....
Wherever and whenever we can, practicing little acts of kindness, words of encouragement will be a part of our DNA.
2020 doesn’t need as many resolutions as it just needs solid, concrete actions because as we are connected in many ways, our decision to act upon doing what is right and good can be just what someone would need to make their day, month, year.
Why not now?
To less fanfare and just being and doing….

#MotivationalMonday #NewYear2020 #NewYearsResolutions #Blog #Speaker #Kindness #Admitwhenwearewrong #Praise #Encouragement #GoldenRule #MakeOthersFeelImportant #ItReallyMatters