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Writer's pictureMillsman

Sept 11th 2001 Never Forget

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

Sept 11th, 2001, a day that I will never forget.

We were about to wake up in San Francisco that morning to fly home. Got a call from my friend, Dale who was living in San Francisco at the time called and said,

"Dave, a plane hit the towers, Turn on the TV, I don't think you're going home today".

"Dave, a plane hit the towers, Turn on the TV, I don't think you're going home today".

To this day, I wish he was wrong.

When that first tower came down, all I could think was that this wasn't a sound/cinema stage

When that first tower came down, all I could think was that this wasn't a sound/cinema stage, that was cement, rebar, steel and everything else going down with people in it.

The disbelief that what we were seeing was actually taking place still chills at times. It took a week before we were finally able to make it home but there were 3,000 plus who didn't that day plus the countless others who have suffered greatly in so many ways since.

Sometimes, if not most times, it is important to never forget moments because they can help us push forward for a better tomorrow and in this iconic, time stops moment, we must never forget.

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