It's crazy to think that 2020 is about to come and while it is good to look back and reflect on what was in 2019. it is also the opportunity to think about how we will enter the new decade.
Sometimes, the past year(s) was the kind we would most soon forget or the reverse and we have lasting memories of the good, great, cherished moments that we experienced.
We have no choice to but be ready to walk into the New Year that awaits us. As dad would say, Time waits for no man".
So, a thought or 2 as we head into the New Year...
May you experience health, strength, joy, contentment, purpose, vitality, hope in the midst of valley moments and peace to carry you as you walk into 2020!

We can be pretty much assured that every day of 2020 will hold some sort of a surprise. Some will be big, some small, some exciting, some not so. We should not be shocked or startled when we see, hear, or feel those moments when it comes to us.
The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new experiences, new friends and celebrate more fully the new opportunities life will offer us.

At times when we look at a New Year, nothing would seem to paralyze us like the idea/thought that things will be hard to change.
It helps to remember that God can change things.
The way we see things pretty much determines outcome.
If we see only the problems in those surprises, we will be most probably defeated; but if we see the possibilities in the problems, we can start to see wins, gains, positive movements, plus moments, ultimately we are talking about Hope!!!

To better days....
Happy New Year!!!!