A few years ago, a friend of mine was going through a rough time as she had been mistreated and felt her giftings were being marginalized to the point that she began to doubt in her abilities.
I was a speaker at conference recently and someone mentioned the same thing and it reminded me of something I sent my friend to help her think things out a little different.
This is what I sent her and hope it helps you today.
So, it is clear that we have quite a tool box of giftings that we have been blessed with. Sometimes, it would appear that what we have, what we know, what we see are only seen by us and it is almost oblivious to those around us, especially the tiers ahead or above us. It is important to remember that just because our gifts seem to be not noticed, undervalued, ignored does not mean that they are not there or irrelevant.
All the more to allow what has been placed in us, acquired, learned to continue to give us hope that at the right time, what we see on the inside will become a reality on the outside.
I've been thinking more about the seed in the ground.
It's funny that the seed goes into the ground and has no control over the weather (circumstances, conflicts, treatment). The only thing it has going for it is the one who tills the ground it is placed in to give it the best chance to germinate and bloom at the right time.
It's funny that the seed goes into the ground and has no control over the weather (circumstances, conflicts, treatment). The only thing it has going for it is the one who tills the ground it is placed in to give it the best chance to germinate and bloom at the right time.
Most of the growing of the seed is done in the dark; lonely, not clearly being able to see the end product, the stretching, the ritual of each day almost seemingly looking, mirroring the previous day but make no mistake that the seed is growing.
No matter the weather we need to cultivate good ground; moisture, the right mix of soil so that seed is poised for its intended purpose. While it is perfectly understandable when the weather doesn't comply with our vision of where we should be to feel like we are being given the short end of the stick, we can't allow bitterness, anger, depression, revenge, hopelessness among other things to win the day.
The seed really matters because it is our gateway to our destiny because it is our destiny.
The seed really matters because it is our gateway to our destiny because it is our destiny. So while the dark seems like it is endless, we must draw purpose in the season and use it and its lessons to make sure our seed when revealed is mature, strong, battle tested, able to make a difference because of the lessons learned in the dark.
One last thing; when the seed/our destiny is still in the dark, it is hard to see exactly the full road of the path we're to take so any decisions need to be taken with great patience, forethought and wisdom.
Everything matters but nothing is as important as the seed inside of us.
I firmly believe that great patience coupled with wisdom in dark places gives us the best opportunities to become the best that we can be and some of the scars, stripes, scrapes in the dark places will help us not repeat the things that could have held us bound, locked down so we can help others unlock their destinies.
Believe in what you see inside; it will help you to know that there is a wealth of significance inside; keep breathing because while it may be a dark time, it is not in vain and even the pain can be fuel and germinate the seed inside of us for greatness.
The revelation of the seed many times is something we already knew somewhere deep inside of us. It just needed to be drawn into the light.
I believe in you…
Drop me a line if this helped you today! Dave
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