So we are back for another installment of Unsung Heroes.
Now more than ever, it is important to focus our attentions on stories that will encourage us, enlighten us and also sensitize us to, about and for people.
Most people go about their daily lives doing what they do and many if not most times, no one takes notice but if they didn’t do what they did………
Our communities I dare say would not be better off if these unsung heroes were not there.
The fatigue of this period of time has worn on so many so some real stories of everyday people can be just the right medicine to help us raise our eye levels a little bit past this 6 month grind of Covid, political uncertainty etc.
So in this Forward Friday 5th installment, I want to introduce you to a life long friend and nurse extraordinaire, Cheryl Reid.

Before I get to all the nice stuff, Cheryl has some problems.. You may not think so but I do.
When this time of the year comes, it becomes Pumpkin Spice mayhem. Coffee, frozen treats, sprays, mists, food, candy, and the list goes on. I'm surprised that Cheryl hasn't gotten a stake and share in Pumpkins R Us!!!

And let's not forget any thing Key Lime!! Cheryl would just as quickly have Key Lime Pie as her staple food if given half the chance.
Okay, now that this is out of my system, let's get to the real story... Although I quite enjoyed that little moment in the Pumpkin spice, Key Lime Pie Sun!!!!
Cheryl and I have known each other since we were kids growing up in our church. We hung out and harassed each other to no end (seems like today as well: just sayin')
From trips, retreat getaways, restaurant mayhem, house visits etc, Cheryl is truly one of those friends for life that one is happy to have in your corner.
I remember when Cheryl decided that not only nursing was what she wanted to do but she was going to St. John's Newfoundland and enter their nursing program.

While it was a happy time in terms of Cheryl following her dreams, it meant that a partner in crime (small crimes that is) was leaving for a period of time.
Cheryl excelled academically and it wasn't before long before she was back in Montreal and beginning her nursing career here in Montreal.
Cheryl began her career in 1983 in the ICU/ER unit and in 1984, The Montreal General Hospital welcomed her into the Surgical/ER unit where she plays a key part in the health of many a Montrealer over the years.
I've seen Cheryl in action and even experienced first hand her ability to process a situation and get the patient to receive the best possible care for their visit to the hospital.

I had got hit in the mouth with a puck playing hockey in 1986 and was rushed to the General for emergency surgery that evening.
Unbeknownst to us, Cheryl was working that night. Cheryl made sure I was taken care right away and sent up to the Dentistry unit where I was wired shut for 10 days.
You can imagine the comments that Cheryl and others but particularly Cheryl had to say about the fact that there was silence from me for almost 2 weeks!!!
My brother and my best friend's brother stayed at the hospital during the night as the procedure took about 5 plus hours and Cheryl decided to give the boys a tour of the hospital during the night which included a quick trip to the door of the morgue. Apparently, people in there were not alive as my brother noted!
Those interesting days......

These days, Cheryl has been on the front lines of the Covid crisis and doing her part in caring for the sick and it should be noted that while the virus has been front and center of the news cycle, there are other medical concerns that the medical profession are dealing with concurrently and we are most grateful for Cheryl and the many like her who day in and day out make a difference in the lives of people.
Cheryl has always had wonderful abilities and talents but if you were to talk with her colleagues and medical personnel, they would say that these are some of the qualities that make Cheryl a fantastic, incredibly talented nurse.

When we asked, this is some of what they said:
Cheryl is a critical thinker; able to size up a problem and/or situation and figure out a solution.
Cheryl is quick in response in any and all emergencies that she encounters.
Cheryl is an incredible team player but being assertive has helped her grow her leadership abilities to being able to run teams, teach and nurture and foster new generations of medical personnel in her dynamic style and approach.
Cheryl may be a no nonsense gal but she has a heart of gold.
Cheryl's care and love for people came from the upbringing and incredible home environment she grew up in.

Her parents were model people who nurtured the woman we celebrate today and in turn, Cheryl's compassionate side has been felt by so many of her patients; the sick and suffering & their families.
But of course, one could never be busy enough so besides being a wonderful wife, Cheryl has also been a Soccer mom to two AAA girls and Chauffeur to 2 AA Ringuette girls. Never too busy to cheer on the team!!!!

I probably will get attacked for this post but I wanted you to get to know Cheryl and her story and how, every day she, like many other health professionals are making a difference in the lives of people!
These unsung heroes aren’t doing what they do for glory, grandeur or accolades but we need to be thankful because they help make our days, weeks, months better and we are truly better for having them in our lives!
Thank you Cheryl but it's time to go easy on the Pumpkins and Key Lime!!!!
We are grateful!!

#ForwardFriday #Nurse #MontrealGeneralHospital #SurgicalER #PumpkinSpice #KeyLimePie #UnsungHeroes #CommunityIsBetterBecauseTheyAreInIt #DoingWhatTheyDo #Grateful #NoFanFare #NoMarchingBand #NeededAndValued #Blog #Speaker #Unassuming #ItIsWhatTheyDo #WeNeedThem #SoccerMom #RinguetteChauffeur #Newfoundland #Caring