So we are back for another installment of Unsung Heroes.
Now more than ever, it is important to focus our attentions on stories that will encourage us, enlighten us and also sensitize us to, about and for people.

Most people go about their daily lives doing what they do and many if not most times, no one takes notice but if they didn’t do what they did………
Our communities I dare say would not be better off if these unsung heroes were not there.
The fatigue of this period of time has worn on so many so some real stories of everyday people can be just the right medicine to help us raise our eye levels a little bit past this 6 month grind of Covid, political uncertainty etc.

We’re back for another installment of Unsung Heroes and in this 7th installment on Forward Friday, we want to highlight one of my good friends, Patrick Ruiz.

Patrick and I have known each other since we were teenagers and if Pat has a fault, it is that cheers for the wrong NFL football team.
That team is The Washington Football Team, currently with no official name for this year. We try not to hold grudges too long and I shouldn’t as the Patriots have won 6 Super Bowls… Just thought I’d drop that tidbit of information in.

Pat was born on March 17th, none-other than St. Patrick’s Day and Pat still feels cheated that he’s never had a parade although we tried a horse and buggy routine that failed once!!!! We tried!!!!
What you may not know is that Patrick works for one of our big city hospitals here in Montreal as a front line worker.
Pat has been caring for those who find themselves in need of hospital care for many years now and as those who work with him can attest, Patrick does it with grace, dignity, care and intentionality.
We’ve had many a conversation in the past 6 plus months and it was definitely a strain in the early days, weeks and initial months of the pandemic but Patrick and so many others have not only endured but keep doing their job and they honor their profession with impeccable integrity.
Pat is not a one talent man.
Did you know:
1. Pat was a radio host DJ for the radio station WCHP 760 which originated out of Champlain, New York for many years?
2. Pat is an accomplished sound technician who has been a sound man for a number of churches in Montreal as well as doing work for concerts in the city..

3. Pat has done work for the Montreal Alouettes football team.
Pat has had a few bucket lists check marks off his list with one being a trip of a lifetime to England. (I scored a soccer jersey out of it)

Pat also had a Fly around the city in the Mix 96 Traffic helicopter which was a dream come true (I know; he kept telling us that!!)
Besides all that, Pat is a huge sports fan with the Alouettes, The Boston Red Sox baseball team, the Montreal Canadiens being at the top of the list.

He even met Canadiens legend and all-time great, Larry Robinson..

Pat is a family guy who, along with his sister Della have made it a priority to make sure his parents are taken care of and in the age we live in where sometimes we forget what those who have paved a way for us have done, Pat not only remembers but in tangible ways shows that he is grateful.
If you ask any of Pat’s friends, he is a true friend, loyal and hardworking; a man that can be counted on in so many situations.

Sometimes, the journey of this past 6 plus months has been difficult but Pat has been there, shift in and shift out caring for those in need of care and if you were to ask him if he was/is a hero, he would just say that he’s just doing his job but what a job it is!
To care for those not only dealing with this pandemic but the many others who are sick, in need of treatments etc, etc, there is no finer man than Patrick Ruiz!
A true gentleman and a great example of a selfless individual caring for the needs of others!!
We salute you Pat and thank you for your service!
It is an honorable profession that you do!!

#ForwardFriday #FrontlineWorker #SaintPatricksDay #DoingMyJob #ShareWithTheWorld #UnsungHeroes #CommunityIsBetterBecauseTheyAreInIt #DoingWhatTheyDo #Grateful #NoFanFare #NoMarchingBand #NeededAndValued #Blog #Speaker #Unassuming #ItIsWhatTheyDo #WeNeedThem #TheWashingtonFootballTeam #MontrealAlouettes #BostonRedSox #Caring