It is clear that we live in the age of rage and even in the most wonderful time of the year, if there’s a volcano simmering just underneath the surface, it doesn’t take much for that volcano to blow.
It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year but it sure doesn’t sound like that in many of the places I’ve been in recently.
The mall or stores kind of bears this out. Have you ever seen the person in line who is huffing and puffing because someone at the cash is taking too long to get their card or cash out and you can hear them breathing? Can almost read their thoughts.
Or the person who is returning something and is told to go to returns (with the signs clearly showing return arrows in another direction) but yelling so everyone hears that this is a travesty. Yep a travesty to follow the signs to get one’s money back.
Or the dreaded parking lot confrontation.. Saw a guy get out of his car and smack the hood of a woman’s car because he felt he called the spot before she did. Not sure how you call the spot when you’re both 10 feet away from that “Spot”.

Or do you see the look on people’s faces who, after buying whatever they have bought, whether for themselves or for others are sitting or walking with their stash and look as miserable or even more miserable than before they purchased.
One guy got mad at another man because he felt he deserved a seat more than the other guy holding bags for his wife/girlfriend… Should there be a weight scale by chairs to determine who sits during the holiday season for heaviest load?
Should there be a weight scale by chairs to determine who sits during the holiday season for heaviest load?
It is clear that we live in the age of rage and even in the most wonderful time of the year, if there’s a volcano simmering just underneath the surface, it doesn’t take much for that volcano to blow. It seems as though it appears to be harder to work at or practice self-control anymore.
I remember a situation where a businessman in a pharmacy blew up because an employee on her first day didn’t know where a product was. She had a trainee badge but it didn’t matter. The rage was displaced but damaging and over the top. Even when, with tears in her eyes saying that she was new, that guy lost his mind.
It’s easy to lose our temper but I think we have to continually get a grip on our emotions so anger doesn’t take us places we never intended on going to.
Self-control helps us so that we are not always losing our temper in rage or abuse ourselves with resentment, but defusing anger by resolving circumstances.
I know that because as a youngster, I had quite a temper. Although I didn’t realize early on, a lot stemmed from a past hurtful experience and it was with help and guidance that I was able to begin to learn how to get a grip on not being an angry kid at times.
I know that when I am not centered right, my natural self will generate things to become angry about.
I’ve also learned not to condemn myself for feelings of anger.
I am still learning to do everything I can to avoid acting on the basis of anger.
I am still learning to clean up any problems I create as quickly as possible.
I am always trying to learn to redirect my energies to be thinking of how to help improve conditions for others.
It’s crazy how at this holiday season, the one where many believe that Jesus came to earth as the greatest gift, so many are tossing the anger gift or should I say anger curse around.
One lady had discount coupons so that her $180 purchase was free but because the “Nike” brand clothing wasn’t included in a sale price point, (notice I said it was all paid for in coupons anyway) she flipped on the cashier something fierce. He said, “Lady, you aren’t paying for anything”. Still didn’t get it.
It’s a terrible way to live and this kind of living has been around a whole lot longer than the in the current political climate that we presently find ourselves in but it doesn’t make it any better or right.
It’s a terrible way to live and this kind of living has been around a whole lot longer than the in the current political climate that we presently find ourselves in but it doesn’t make it any better or right.
But…. And thankfully there is a positive conjunction to the madness of not getting a grip on our anger emotion.
Here are some timeless wonders that I’ve paraphrased that encourage me to do good.
In your anger do not miss the mark; do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, so that evil gets a foothold in your life.
A gentle answer many times turn away rage but a harsh, angry word stirs up anger.
A hot tempered person stirs up dissension but a patient person can calm an argument.

So, as the holiday season begins, as much as those holiday jingles can get annoying in the malls after hearing them for the 40th time, they still sound a whole lot better than another angry Christmas shopper.
Why you mad bro? Get a Grip!! And from what I hear, it helps with the blood pressure too!!!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!