So we are in the middle of this crisis that has affected so many for so many different reasons.
We have had multiple protests that have people of all kinds who are walking and marching for justice, change.
We have those who have rioted, destroyed, defaced even killed the innocent themselves to make a statement that George Floyd’s death was wrong..
We have police forces on high alert for retaliatory acts by those who are angry, mad and out of control because of emotions that are not subdued. So many good police officers who are embattled because of the terrible, unjust actions of a few but this is the place that we find ourselves in.
We have people who feel tired, stretched, pushed to brink; things like old wounds resurfacing, helplessness, frustration, hopelessness, scared etc.…..

So as in my last post, we must begin the process of one by one, connecting to those we don’t normally connect with to see life through their eyes.
Maybe, just maybe we can see change come because we are taking the time to see life through someone else’s eyes, find out how and what it means to walk in their shoes but that can only happen if we intentionally draw close.
So To Start Off The Week, I Call It Who’s Coming To Your House Reasons And Thoughts.
Let’s face it; the governments of all kinds cannot do all of what we may think they can or should be doing, the rhetoric of the extreme groups who have and call for anarchy type upheavals and behaviors will not cut it, burning down the house/buildings/businesses will not get the desired results..

So then, its about us and it’s always been about us even if we didn’t know it.
One person at a time, one conversation at a time, one relational connection at a time.
We cannot allow ourselves to wait for the “Right” moment but to look for opportunities to make a difference and be a difference in the lives of people we encounter in our daily lives.
One person at a time, one conversation at a time, one relational connection at a time.
So here are a few things to consider why you should consider practicing hospitality because instead of throwing up our hands in helplessness, let’s try something new, something to help us build bridges. And when we can again, coffee shops, restaurants, backyards, parks, dinner tables are great places to get us on our way to connecting.
Learn About Different People and Customs

Maybe it time to learn about different people and customs. Why not put on an international pot luck with a few people? Everyone coming brings a dish to share from a different culture.
A great way to learn about the people who come, where they`ve been and how they got to where they are. It could provide excellent conversation starters and learn about different cultures.
Be An Example
In my case, I want to be an example of Christian faith and conduct myself in every area of my life that way and hospitality has been one of the greatest ways for me to do that and to show people that I genuinely care about them.
There is something wonderful about human connection through hospitality.
Through hospitality, I can show that no matter what makes a person different, they are all welcome to be a part of my life.
There is something wonderful about human connection through hospitality.
Fighting Isolation And Loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are growing problems in our society.
Despite the great advancements in the virtual world, we are more and more removed from real, personal relationships. With this comes an extreme form of isolation and loneliness that can leave us feeling defeated.
Social media has a lot of great elements to it but, it is not a replacement for real life interactions the way we sometimes act like it is.
Showing and offering hospitality allows us to fight the isolation and loneliness that our society so often inadvertently encourages.
It means that it pushes us into human relationships and it means that the one(s) we connect with have the opportunity to be known and seen. It`s also good for us too.
It means that it pushes us into human relationships and it means that the one(s) we connect with have the opportunity to be known and seen. It`s also good for us too.
Develop Empathy

Developing empathy is a Huge benefit of connecting with people who are different from you.
Connecting with people of different ethnicities and developing real relationships, prejudices are slowly broken down. The same is true of connecting with people of different economic standing or have a different background and even people with a different belief system.
We are real people battling real issues and we need others in our journeys. We were designed that way. And, since we all bear the image of God, we all have value.
Have Honest Conversation
Hospitality is a beautiful place to have open and honest dialogue.

Let’s be real, it is HARD to have civil, fruitful conversations about difficult subjects on social media.
Why I love coffee shops, restaurants, homes, parks, etc. (Covid needs to end soon but we should be preparing for what`s next), is that it is so much more fruitful and powerful when we are able to sit across the table from someone.
We get to see the pain on their face as they discuss their reasoning’s and what brought them to this situation. We can see and hear things when we talk and connect with others.
It is much harder to care ``less`` when we are looking into someone’s eyes and the reverse is that it is much easier to be compassionate.
Real conversation, real connecting is different. In this context we can learn and grow and encourage one another and honest communication is much more possible.
Helping To Carry Another’s Burdens
Hospitality is the perfect context in which we are able to truly bear one another’s burdens.
When we eat together and talk, we also share the burdens of our hearts and we are able to bear them together.
If we’ve ever picked anything heavy up, we know it is easier to carry if we have someone else with us doing some of the lifting.
Although many don`t think or could understand that He is interested in the connecting part of our lives, God, I believe can help us find true connections that we are looking for to help us in our life journey.
It is easier to carry the burdens of this life if we don’t do it alone. Hospitality is a context in which we are able to truly pick up part of someone else’s load and they can do the same for us.

Build Lasting Friendships
It`s important to keep growing the connections with the friends we already have.
However, it cannot stop there. We need to also offer hospitality to those who are different from us.
Through these efforts, we may be surprised at the lasting friendships that develop. Hospitality is the open door for these kinds of relationships to blossom and grow.
Allows Us To Be Real
If there is anything this current crisis is showing is that we cannot take for granted the absence of connecting with those we do not know or understand......
We are a hurting, broken people but we also have the capacity to be healers so it is time to consider looking for opportunities so that as growth in connecting with people not like us happen, we can become vulnerable and the one we are growing with does the same. It`s not always going to be clean but it`s time to try.
So…… think about some of this as we are moving forward this week and in the weeks to come. Our cities, our neighborhoods, our countries are in pain; really, we the people are in pain and struggling so it well as might be me and you in our spaces to start making real, intentional changes so that we can start to see the changes we always talk about seeing.
I Am Committed; Will You Consider The Same….
The word hospitality in the New Testament comes from two Greek words. The first word means love and the second word means strangers. It’s a word that means love of strangers.

Hospitality is simply an opportunity to show love and care..
#MotivationalMonday #Hospitality #DevelopEmpathy #BeingReal #CarryingEachOthersBurdens #LetUsBeReal #GeorgeFloydConversations #Connections #IStillBelieve #WhoIsComingToYourHouse #Blog #Speaker #SecureInBeingHumble #UncomfortableMoments #IAmTheGuyNextDoor