So we are in this crazy period of time where we don’t know what’s up or down and the problem with that is that sometimes, emotions can get the best of us and the things we say and do have an enormous effect on not only ourselves but others.
Our nerves are frayed, with so much uncertainty, many people's personal fuses are short and we can say things we wouldn't have ordinarily said but because we are where we are in the circumstances we find ourselves in, we speak and some of the things we say in tone and message aren't cool. Even to ourselves, we say things that hurt and harm.
So Is There Malice In Our Palace?
There was the infamous Malice In The Palace eruption during a basketball game a few years back and while we're not talking about this crazy event, it is worth a quick view.
So. is there some malice in the palace?
Not just the structure we call home but the real you; the real me? Forward Friday is all about the words we speak and really, sometimes, we’ll say I didn’t mean it but out of the great vast reserves of the heart as we know, the mouth speaks so……..
Words…… Let’s Get Into This……..
I read this the other day and it was so good, I had to add it.
‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’

We could all learn something from this well-known Bible verse. Looking beyond the religious overtones, there is a message to be found in this for everyone. Everything begins with a word.
Everything begins with a word.
Words consist of vibration and sound. It is these vibrations that create the very reality that surrounds us. Words are the creator; the creator of our universe, our lives, our reality. Without words, a thought can never become a reality.
This is something that we have been taught throughout history, as far back as the Bible, which writes of ‘God’ – saying ‘let there be light’ and as a result creating light.
So what can we learn from this? If our words and thoughts are the very tools with which we create reality, then surely they are our most powerful tool yet? Surely we should be trying to choose the best words that comes out of our mouth?
We won't always get it right but we can sure practice and work to see our vocabulary become more positive, more enriching, more stabilizing from the inside out.
The Power Of Words

Our thoughts also impact what comes out of us. But it can be said that the real power lies in our words.
It is our words that gives a picture of our innermost thoughts. They generally confirm to others how we see others, our lives and ourselves.
Our thoughts turn into a reality. So why do we choose to misuse our most powerful asset?
Choosing Words Wisely
It seems that we have become conditioned to talk about our misfortunes and problems.

I tell this story of a day when I was working at a school and during lunch, a number of staff were in the lunch room complaining about their spouse/significant other. When I was asked how things were going with Kelly and I said things were fine, it wasn't believed. "There must be something wrong", "Does she make you angry?" etc.
It was a funny scene as I had a whole lot of fun with the moment but sad because everyone wanted to hear the "Bad News."
It's crazy how our words can become the truth not only in our own mind but in the minds of everyone we say them to.
If this is reality, then do I really want to say how unlucky I am, unsuccessful, miserable and any other complaint moments especially recognizing how these words affect and effect how I live life?
I've been messaging to myself recently differently instead of what I used to say years ago when I was battling with my weight.

Instead of the negative messaging with words and comments like, "You're so overweight", "You're just big and fat", I've been saying, "The journey is still in progress", "I'm getting to where I need to go".
Our words do some incredible painting; we need to choose those words wisely.
So, when I've in the past said ‘I am…fat/lazy/shy’ or ‘I am…beautiful/confident/successful/happy’ we are creating pictures for and of ourselves.
And even if there is little or any truth in the words that we spoke, we are defining ourselves because the words we speak have incredible power..
So maybe it's time, especially in this season of life we are walking in to begin to speak better thoughts about ourselves. Not pompous or arrogant self talk but to affirm the made in the image of God beings we are with encouraging words and thoughts.

In a crazy world, our thoughts and soul do not need us beating ourselves up with negative, defeating words that kill our spirit.
Looking back, some of those negative things I said did nothing to make me more content; in fact, the opposite takes place.
The negative words only worsen our thought patterns, and in many cases growing fear into our life with greater intensity.
Some Good Medicine
Proverbs 16:24 Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 18:4 Wise words are like deep waters; wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook.
If our words contain beauty people treasure them.
If our words contain pain people toss them aside, but not until after they have had to deal with the wound they caused.

Proverbs 15:4 Gentle words are a tree of life
So let's choose our words bravely, lovingly, especially to ourselves first. It's hard to speak in health to others when we can barely speak healthy to ourselves.
Let's speak from a place of love; for ourselves first and then to others. Use them wisely.
Walking with you... Dave

#WordsMatter #SpeakLife #ChooseWordsWisely #PowerInOurWords #Speaker #Blog #LifeIsInTheTongue #WordsOfLife #HealthyWayToLive
So sincere. Thanks Dave❤